I’m having trouble creating a preloader bar with percentage for my flash movie. I used the tutorial found on http://www.kirupa.com/developer/mx/percentagepreloader.asp. However, the tutorial shows how to create the preloader for a movie without multiple scenes. However, my movie has multiple scenes.:hat:
Well that tutorial uses the getBytesLoaded() and getBytesTotal() method of preloading (which is the way to do it), so it preloads your entire movie, scenes and all.
Although you should use loadMovie instead of scenes, you will have much quicker and efficient files.
How do you use the loadMovie command and preloaders together? Where should the preloader script be? In the movie that’s loaded or in the mainmovie it’s loaded into?
Well you put the preloader on the movie you are loading, but since the _root is no longer the _root in this case you will need to change _root to _parent and it should work.
Hmm maybe I’m stupid, but where am I supposed to write this?
Edit: I think I got it to work. But I haven’t used _parent anywhere…
The tutorial tells you where to write everything.
If you got it working, then who cares how you did it, you just did it :crazy:…lol.