Preloader wont disappear after MovieClipLoader determined load complete

I cant seem to make my preloader disappear after the MovieClipLoader class has determined the load is complete. I have a movieclip I attach onto the stage called thumbnailModule_mc inside of it I have the preloader movieclip (a simple spinning circle) and the image holder movieclip that the MovieClipLoader is listening to see when the image load is complete. When the load completes I want to set the alpha to zero and fade in the image. But my code doesn’t work! the preloader stays visible. I cant figure out what is wrong.

Here is my code:

function loadHomeBar(xmlFileName:String) {
var homeSideBar:XML = new XML();
homeSideBar.ignoreWhite = true; 
homeSideBar.onLoad = function (success) {
    if (success) {
        var root:XMLNode = this.firstChild;
        for (i = 0; i < root.childNodes.length; i++) {
        var titleItem:String = this.firstChild.childNodes*.childNodes[0].firstChild.nodeValue; 
        var imgItem = this.firstChild.childNodes*.childNodes[1].firstChild.nodeValue; 
        linkItem.push (this.firstChild.childNodes*.childNodes[2].firstChild.nodeValue);
        var thumbLoader:MovieClipLoader = new MovieClipLoader();
        var thumbListener:Object = new Object();
        sideBar_mc.thumbnailsHolder_mc.attachMovie("thumbnailModule_mc", "thumbnailModule_mc"+i,i);
        if (i ==0){ 
            sideBar_mc.thumbnailsHolder_mc["thumbnailModule_mc" + i]._y = 0; 
            } else {
            sideBar_mc.thumbnailsHolder_mc["thumbnailModule_mc" + i]._y = i * 102; 
            sideBar_mc.thumbnailsHolder_mc["thumbnailModule_mc" + i].thumbnailTitle_mc.title_txt.text = titleItem;
        thumbListener.onLoadInit = function (target) {
            sideBar_mc.thumbnailsHolder_mc["thumbnailModule_mc" + i].circlepreloader_mc._alpha = 100;
        thumbListener.onLoadProgress = function(target, bytesLoaded, bytesTotal) {
            sideBar_mc.thumbnailsHolder_mc["thumbnailModule_mc" + i].circlepreloader_mc._alpha = 100;
        thumbListener.onLoadComplete= function(target) { 
            sideBar_mc.thumbnailsHolder_mc["thumbnailModule_mc" + i].circlepreloader_mc._alpha = 0;
        thumbLoader.loadClip(imgItem, sideBar_mc.thumbnailsHolder_mc["thumbnailModule_mc" + i].imgHolder_mc);      
        sideBar_mc.thumbnailsHolder_mc["thumbnailModule_mc" + i].hit_btn.ID = i; 
        sideBar_mc.thumbnailsHolder_mc["thumbnailModule_mc" + i].hit_btn.onRollOver = function() {
            this._parent.overlay_mc.tween("_x", 245, .25, "easeOutQuad");
            this._parent.thumbnailTitle_mc.tween("_x", 240, .25, "easeOutQuad");
        sideBar_mc.thumbnailsHolder_mc["thumbnailModule_mc" + i].hit_btn.onRollOut = function() {
            this._parent.overlay_mc.tween("_x", 1, .25, "easeOutQuad");
            this._parent.thumbnailTitle_mc.tween("_x", 1, .25, "easeOutQuad");
        sideBar_mc.thumbnailsHolder_mc["thumbnailModule_mc" + i].hit_btn.onRelease = function() {
            var btnInstance:Number = this.ID; 
            //the variable btnInstance is then used at the index

homeSideBar.load (xmlFileName);