
I’m having an headache about my preloader won’t show anything (Load bar, Loaded %…etc.) until the movie is about 70 something % loaded.

I tried a severial methods, included the preloader tut in this site: and [URL=]
but the results are the same…

Here’s my actionscript which I’m currently using for the preloader:

var loadAmount = _totalframes;
if (_framesloaded == loadAmount) {
} else {
loaded = Math.round(getBytesLoaded()/1024);
total = Math.round(getBytesTotal()/1024);
percent = Math.round((loaded/total)100);
bytesLoadedOutput = loaded;
bytesTotalOutput = total;
percentOutput = percent+"%";
loadBar._width = loadBarHousing._width

It’s really frustrated if the preloader won’t be shown until the whole movie is almost completed loading… then the preloader would be pointless.
Can anyone can help me to solve this problem??

can you post your fla?

:: what type of preloader are you using, some sort of animation or a graphic? if either of these are intense, they will take time to load, maybe causing your preloader to show up late.

A Loadbar, and some text fields for the Loadpercentage… that’s all I got for the preloader…no animation nor graphics at all!

can u post a fla? be easier to c what the problem is.

make sure that you have unselected the export in first frame option in the linkage properties of each movie clip or button …

that’s probably the problem … (-:

Thanks Kax. I got it fixed now. You really made my day, I appreciated it!! =)

anytime anson :wink:

Can someone explain more about fixing this problem? I don’t understand how to fix it. My preloader won’t work until about 50% of the movie. Kax said something to be unselected but I have no clue what it is exactly…

Thank you

He was referring to the “Linkage…” options of a clip (movie, button, graphic) in your library. So, to get there, you can open up your .fla’s library (F11), right-click on the desired clip and find the option that says “Linkage…”. Now, ironically, if you have the “Export in first frame” checked, that clip – along with any other clips that have that selected – loads first (i.e. before the rest of the flash does).
