I have a drop in preloader bar, it has the actionscript preloaded in the movie clip. It works fine in most of the flash movies that i have but just finishing up this new one and dropping it in… it does not show the loader movie clip till about 50%. Here’s the script.
// this will get the total bytes loaded up to now
bytesLoaded = (_level0.getBytesLoaded());
// this will get the total Kilobytes loaded up to now
KbytesLoaded = (int(_level0.getBytesLoaded()/1024) add "KB");
// this will get the total bytes of the movie
bytesTotal = (_level0.getBytesTotal());
// this will get the total Kilobytes of the movie
KbytesTotal = (int(_level0.getBytesTotal()/1024) add "KB");
// this will set up the percentage of the movie loaded
percentSetup = ((bytesLoaded/bytesTotal)*100);
// this will put the percentage result in the text box
percentage = int(percentSetup) add "%";
// this will set the loader bars scale property to 0 in the
// beginning but it will expand as the percent level goes up.
setProperty("_root.DropIn.LoaderBar", _xscale, percentSetup);
// this will check to see if the movie is loaded yet. If not
// it will go to frame 2 and basically start over at frame
// 1. In other words it will go back to the beginning of
// the script above.
if (bytesLoaded == bytesTotal) {
All of that is on the first frame, and on the second frame of the movie clip:
if (bytesLoaded<bytesTotal) {
Now my full flash file is about 19 scenes long, would this effect it?
If not, what other reason would this script be giving me a problem?
Yes, the preloader script is in the first frame of the first scene.
Thanks for your help