two questions actually.
i’m loading in external .jpgs into a movie clip. right now i have a “loading” animation being triggered inside that clip, but i want to replace it with percentage progress bars. i’ve known how to create these since flash 5 but i’ve always put the bar into the .swf that was being loaded. since these are .jpgs that option is out. i know you can target .getBytesLoaded() and .getBytesTotal() but my percentages are way off. my math is right ( (loaded/total) * 100) ), and works everywhere else, except when i target the clip that’s getting images loaded into. does that even make sense, and does someone know what could be causing that? even better, does anyone know where a good tutorial on multiple progress bars is?
this is another progress bar question. there are no external movies being loaded. i’ve got a working bar in the first frame and it’s accurate until i drop in a component (combobox). now it seems like the progress bar won’t show until after the combo box loads (which if half of my movies size) so i’m getting a white screen until it comes in, and then the percentage is all wrong. anyone have this trouble.
ps. am i using components wrong. i can’t believe that a vector component can add so much k to my movie.
any help would be appreciated. thanks