I would really appreciate any help on this matter.
I have an swf file where the first frame is about 120K which I can’t change because it is due to action script and linkage from the library(I think).
I have tried a preloader using “getBytesLoaded” method but it still takes ages for the progress bar to come up due to the size of the first frame. I have also tried loading it as an external swf but then half of my functions don’t work.
Is there any other way of preloading methods I could try?
Any suggestions would be really well received.
this is the code I used for the preloader
mask_mc._height = 1;
this.onEnterFrame = function():Void {
var loadedData:Number = this.getBytesLoaded();
var allData:Number = this.getBytesTotal();
var percent:Number = Math.round(loadedData/allData*100);
mask_mc._yscale = percent;
percentage_txt.text = percent + “%”;
if (loadedData>=allData) {
delete this.onEnterFrame;