Preloaders - oh my aching head!


i’v searched this site for possible answers to my problem (and tried countless tutorials from a google search) - but hav not found it or dont recognize it when i see it. (i’ve absolutely no knowledge of flash or actionscript - its just a lot of tutorial work and crossing fingers)

the (reusable preloader using movie clip) doesnt work for me - and it uses buttons which i dont want.

i tried scotty’s code from his thumbnail.fla here: - but it didnt work for me either.

here is my map:
here is the fla file - bit big to zip & upload here:

and the problem:

when you hover over the little red flags, a locations details fades in - and the images are supposed to slide in with the white backgrounds - but its not doing it - its just appearing as it loads.

now i’v got 2 preloaders - one for the movie, and one for the images - but the images one doesnt seem to preload them at all.

i dont want to preload a single image - or click on a button to load the next image - i want all the external images to preload before the movie starts.

so i have 3 scenes in my movie - one to preload the movie (preloader) , one to preload the images (images), and the movie itself (content).

can anyone please help me to get this preloader (images) to work - so that it will preload the all the external images (101 in total, 3.5mb big) before the movie starts (in the 2nd scene)?

i’d appreciate any help you could offer.