Preloading a .flv into the .swf generated via Flash

Hi Guys,

Please excuse me if this has already been mentioned (although I’ve strugged to find anything to help me out).

Here’s the scenario:
I have a .flv file which I am progressively downloading into a .swf file. The .swf file contains a control bar skin with the play, seek, volume features. All three elements (.flv, .swf and control bar) were generated from Flash 8.

I want to create a preloader so that when the buffer has reached 5 seconds, the video will start playing, and will continue from there on, regardless of the buffer state. It is only whilst the video is loading for 5 seconds worth of content to be in the buffer, that a preloader graphic should be displayed. After that, the video will play as normal.

I’ve obtained this code from the Adobe website:
this.createTextField(“buffer_txt”, this.getNextHighestDepth(), 10, 10, 300, 22);
buffer_txt.html = true;

var connection_nc:NetConnection = new NetConnection();
var stream_ns:NetStream = new NetStream(connection_nc);

var buffer_interval:Number = setInterval(checkBufferTime, 100, stream_ns);
function checkBufferTime(my_ns:NetStream):Void {
var bufferPct:Number = Math.min(Math.round(my_ns.bufferLength/my_ns.bufferTime*100), 100);
var output_str:String = “<textformat tabStops=’[100,200]’>”;
output_str += "Length: “+my_ns.bufferLength+” "+“Time: “+my_ns.bufferTime+” “+“Buffer:”+bufferPct+”%”;
output_str += “</textformat>”;
buffer_txt.htmlText = output_str;

This particular code displays the buffer status all the way through the video in text form.

I know this may sound stupid, but if I have a visual called load.swf, and merely want to display that while the buffer is loading, then remove it completely, how is is called into the actionscript? Looking at the code above, I don’t think the checkBufferTime function is actually needed in this case.

Any help would REALLY be appreciated. Please be kind, I haven’t touched Actionscript for around 8 years, so am completely lost.