hi everyone,
I have a dynamic jpeg that is being loaded into an empty holder movieClip that is on the stage… i had been using an onEnterFrame to try to see when that jpeg has been loaded in, but there was still a delay before it showed up…
anyway, im trying to get it to work now using MovieClipLoader, and using the following code:
var pic_mc = new MovieClipLoader();
var preload = new Object();
preload.onLoadStart = function(targetMC) {
_root.txt.text="started loading";
preload.onLoadProgress = function(targetMC, lBytes, tBytes) {
_root.txt.text="% "+Math.round((lBytes/tBytes)*100);
preload.onLoadComplete = function(targetMC) {
// once it is loaded jump ahead to a frame with the 'cover' over the imageMC removed
if (_root.spec=="L"){
pic_mc.loadClip(_root.path, "_root.fCardMC.holder_mc");
else if (_root.spec=="P"){
pic_mc.loadClip(" " + _root.path, _root.fCardMC.holder_mc1);
it just sits on the frame with the cover over the image… so something is obviously wrong with it.
any thoughts?
let me know if anything needs further clarification (i realize that might have been confusing)