Preloading Dynamic Text

I recently created a site which is up and running. The site works fine and is not to big. It loads external txt files using the following actionscript:

loadText = new loadVars();
// creating the loadVarsText function
loadText.onLoad = function() {
anton.text = this.Antontext;

Ive noticed a delay in loading the txt files. I would like to add a preloader on the site for each one of these txt files with a small loading animation for them nothing to fancy. Im fairly new to actionscripting and Im using Flash MX 6 any help would be appreciated
By the way the site address is:

your preloader should be a MovieClip with 2 frames (proberly 1 is also working)
in the first you write what you want to be updated like loadedBytes = (_parent.)loadText.getBytesLoaded

and the in the second
just read through the LoadVars help and you will find out how !!
if the loading is finished you just make it invisble and
on demand again visible