Preloading dynamic text

This is a problem that I should have tackled long ago.

I’m loading dynamic htmlText into into a text box like this:

import TextField.StyleSheet;

// Load the css file, then the text file (containing some html)

var cssUrl     :String = "fonts.css";
var htmlTextUrl:String = "news_1.txt";

var css:StyleSheet;

// Deal with a IE/Firefox inconsistency.
function fixUrl(url:String):String
    var rootUrl:String = _root._url;
    var iLastSlash:Number = rootUrl.lastIndexOf('/');
    if (iLastSlash > 0){
        rootUrl = rootUrl.substr(0,iLastSlash);    
    return rootUrl + "/" + url;

function loadCSS():Void
    css = new StyleSheet();
    css.onLoad = function(bSuccess:Boolean):Void
        if (bSuccess){
function loadHtmlText():Void
    // Use xml to load a text file.    
    var xml:XML = new XML();
    xml.onData = function(txt:String):Void {

function displayText(htmlText:String):Void
    var t:TextField = field_txt;
    t.html = true;
    t.styleSheet = css;
    t.embedFonts = true;
    t.autoSize = true;
    t.htmlText = htmlText;


Problem is, there’s a gap between the moment the text box is displayed and the moment the text inside it loads and is displayed, resulting in a sloppy presentation… :

Can anyone point out a good way to modify the code I’m using and preload the .txt file?