Fine fine…I know it’s been asked too many times. But my problem is kinda different. All I want to know is: To preload external swfs, should I make a preloader within the swf or should there be a preloader in the parent movie calling the external swf?
Well, all the external swfs I’ve made so far have their own preloader and it works fine when they run independently. The trouble comes when the main movie calls it. The preloader simply doesn’t run. The screen just shows the bg color for few seconds and loads the new content…[content size 30-40k]
for those who think this question’s been asked too many times
Well I searched and got links talkin about some sorta movie linkage and attach movie and dunno what…but I was looking forward in doing something far much simpler than those…I mean…if the preloder works independently for each swf, why shouldn’t it when a parent movie calls it!!!
Thanks in advance…