Ok I’ll try to explain this the best that i can. The flash portion of my site is just the navigation bar. here is a link so you can see what it looks like for an easier time helping solve my problem:
As you can see text loads into dynamic text boxes when the user rolls his/her mouse over that little upright rectagle, there will be many of those rectangles once i have my site done but for now, im just testing things out.
here is the current code applied to my Rectangle Nav Button:
// This is the state where rollover text displays in those beveled boxes
on (rollOver) {
ordernum = “0001”;
title = “Change is the only constant - 1600x1200”;
made = “01.12.03”;
series = “Not available”;
classification = “Graphic”;
// This is the code to load images or whatever onto the stage
on (release) {
container._x = 50 ;
container._y = 100 ;
_root.onMouseDown = function () {
startDrag (“container”,false) ;
_root.onMouseUp = function () {
stopDrag () ;
What this code does is when the user rolls his/her mouse over, text loads into the dynamic text boxes, and when the user releases his/her mouse on the button the jpg “Ug.jpg” loads. However this is not the effect i am after. I want to have a preloader off to the side somewhere on the flash portion of my site, and when the user mouse overs a nav bar button, the text in the dynamic text boxes gets lighter, and when the user rolls his/her mouse out, the text goes back to normal. I also want it so when the User Releases on a nav bar button the pre-loader off to the side loads the image, sound, or movie and then that image/ sound/ movie displays in a HTML portion of my site right below the Flash portion. I don’t know if this is possible or not, but If i have to use all flash i will, but i would prefer html displaying, but flash loading. Here is an example of what i want my site to look like:
It would be really great if one of you guys could tell me how to achieve this or maybe even write some actionscript for me that would do this. Thanks a lot!