PreLoading issue with Flash MX

I’ve used a number of different preloaders in my newer flash mx movies and i keep coming up with the same result.

When testing the movie in Flash or html, the preloader (or anything in the preload scene) does not show until about 80% of the full swf is downloaded. This happens on swf files ranging from 64kb to 700kb, so im sure the size of the movie is not at fault. What could be causing this and how can i get around it?

Are you using components(scrolllbar, scrollpane…) or exporting anything in first frame?

One of the preloaders i tried was taken directly from and that was a component. But as far as components go, that would have been the only one in the whole movie.

In the main scene, i have sound files exported through actionscript. They are just connected to buttons so when clicked, you hear that sound clip. They are in the first frame but the first frame of the second scene (as there is only one frame, 4 layers in the second scene).

If you have sound files exported through actionscript, its exported in first frame, causing a load delay when the movie starts.

would you happen to have any ideas how i could space it out so that the delay isn’t caused? i tried moving the sound export frame over one but that didn’t help.

Hmm… what are you using the sound for? Is it important to load the sounds as the movie begins or can it be downloaded after everything else is loaded?

If it can be downloaded after everything else, that’s fine. The main part of the site is the sounds but as long as slower users don’t think the site didn’t load and they have something to look at, then it’s fine. how could i get everything else to load up first?

Just so you know, each of the 42 buttons on the second scene use this method:

on (release) {
zimSound = new Sound(this);
zimSound.start(0, 0);

You could place the sound in a external swf and then load it on release. This way you can preload it as you were preloding a normal swf.

Do you mean separate swf files for each of the sounds? or one swf file that holds all the sound files?

One for wach sound