This is my first ever attempt at teaching myself flash cs3 and actionscript 3, so please forgive me if this is stupid.
I have a number of premade text fields with instance names of myText0_txt, myText1_txt, etc. I’d rather not create them dynamically for easy changes later to the layout and (supposedly) simplicity.
So anyway, this is basically what I tried:
for (i=0; i<48; i++)
myText*_txt.text = "I am #"+i;
at which point flash slapped me with an error and called me names.
After searching around for ideas (being a novice and all, this happens alot) I came up with:
for (i=0; i<48; i++)
this[myText*_txt].text = "I am #"+i;
and of course flash continued to mock me.