Pretty cool gaming thing

sorry for another link…but you guys would like this…i think

****, I’d definitely buy that./

what a… Pretty interesting, but there’s no info about it’s price.

*Originally posted by Lynx *
**what a… Pretty interesting, but there’s no info about it’s price. **

availabiltiy: 4th quarter, 2003. soon, very soon

*Another problem may be the gadget’s price. Analysts expect it to cost more than three times as much as Nintendo’s new player, which will sell for about $100. Nokia has yet to reveal the price for the N-Gage. *

price, not availability, ehh anyway, I’m not going to buy it :slight_smile:

thanks Viper =)

no proooooooooooblemo.

<- search master

*Originally posted by Lynx *
**price, not availability, ehh anyway, I’m not going to buy it :slight_smile: **

sheesh…sorrrrrrrrrrry. just trying to help…but I just realized I did’nt really answer your question…ahh still :hangover:

*Originally posted by gimmesomemore!! *
**…ahh still :hangover: **

ah, who cares, it’s just a stupid phone.