Previous button did't stop when loading swf from array as3

i load some swf in the main file from an array and its working well. and i need to add next and previous button for loading other swf’s.i add next and previous buttons and next button is working fine, it stop after loading last swf and stop tracing and all.but previous buttons is not working fine. it is keep clickable and keep tracing values in minus and going backward.any help will be honorable thank you my code is herei did not wrote my loading script because i only need to know about previous buttonthank youvar myMovies:Array=[“panel 1.swf”, “panel 2.swf”, “panel 3.swf”, “panel 4.swf”, “panel 5.swf”, “panel 6.swf”, “panel 7.swf”, “panel 8.swf”];var index:int=0;var numberOfPages:Number = 1;panel_control.text = “01”;next_mc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, next_movieclip); pre_mc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, privious_movieclip); function next_movieclip(e:MouseEvent){if(numberOfPages < myMovies.length - 0){ numberOfPages++; panel_control.text = “0”+ numberOfPages ; index = (index + 1)%(myMovies.length); loader.unloadAndStop(); trace(numberOfPages); loadSWF(); }}function privious_movieclip(e:MouseEvent){ if(numberOfPages < myMovies.length + 8){ numberOfPages–; panel_control.text = “0”+ numberOfPages ; index = (index - 1)%(myMovies.length); loader.unloadAndStop(); trace(numberOfPages); loadSWF(); }}