"Previous" button to play Tweener in reverse?

So, if i had several images all on their own frame and each with their own Tweener transition when navigated to that frame. Is it possible to have a “Previous” button that would not only go back a frame, but play the Tweener animation on that frame in reverse? I’m trying to make a nice slideshow complete with sleek transitions and next & previous buttons. I’ve been researching this for days…

"Previous" button code:

btn_previous.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, doprevClick);
function doprevClick(e:MouseEvent):void {

A single frames Tweener transition:

Tweener.addTween(slide_01, {x:-500, time:1.5, transition:"EaseInOutSine"});
Tweener.addTween(slide_02, {x:495, time:1.5, delay:.5, transition:"EaseInOutSine"});