I am having some trouble loading an XML file into several dynamic fields in my flash file. The XML loads fine in the initial swf I was given. However if I republish the swf from the fla file I only get “undefined” messages in all the fields.
I’m using standard publish settings for flash 8 and Actionscript 2.0 yet something must be going wrong during the publish, The local file linking and directory structure should be correct.
I attached the xmlData.as file that loads the xml.
Also, You can go here: http://msargent.earthserve.com/pwc.zip
to download the fla and swf along with dependent files.
I want to be able to republish the .fla to fix any absolute links and replace them with relative links (In particular the geturl within the code of frame 3).
Thanks ahead of time. I’ll really appreciate any help that anyone can provide.