Roughly about £3 a gallon… So £3 in your freaky money would be… er… Little help here?
here it is about a dollar per litre of gasoline… i think that a gallon contains 4 (or so) littres.
just to give you an idea on how expensive it is gasoline fo rus brazillians. and coming to think that we produce 95% of the oil consumed here…
i begrudgingly pay $1.95 a gallon here in central california…
bout the cheapest around here is $1.48 USD p/gallon Maryland. Right around the corner its $1.80 so it fluctuates depending on area. And just, what? 3 years ago? I got it for $.75 :!:
*Originally posted by UNFLUX *
**$1.56/gallon regular in my area **
Same here
Where abouts are u located in australia?
I am in sydney, and i thought we had the most exoensive petrol, but lately if u wait for monday nites, which i find the cheapest ur paying around 83 cents on a good day, 81 cents in fairfield =)
Though ur car chews up a lot of petrol, which kinda sucks!!
But i am a holdan fan =)
I grew up in Fairfield… Went to Westfields High. Did you see that Brocky’s driving a Monaro in this years 24 hour at Bathurst… Looks like he’s chasing that 10th win again…
Kit, your being ripped off something severe, glad i’m not paying that…
I just drove from Albany, OR to Houston, TX and happen to have my gas receipts handy. Gas in Oregon was $1.69/gal. California prices were highest at $2.23/gal and $2.37/gal. Gas in Arizona was $1.95/gal, and in New Mexico it was $1.51/gal. In Texas it has ranged from $1.52/gal to $1.68/gal.