What Kind of Car should I Buy


I am on the hunt for a new car–the 88 Pontiac just aint doing in for me any more!!

Any suggestions. I am looking for 95-96 and newer and I am not looking to spend tons of money. No specific kind. I went looking for hours yesterday and found a few.

My favorite so far, 96 Pontiac Sunfire convertible but it is a standard, I think I may have to learn soon,a ll the cars I liked were standards and I onoly know how to drive an automatic.

Anyways, anyone ahve any suggestions???:slight_smile:

buy a fast one.

…with flames up the side! =)

Have you looked on ebay?


this is the car to be seen in :slight_smile:

Yes, but that one could possibly break the budget…


or just simply break…

Subaru Impreza WRX Sti 2l turbo. Or the P1. :beam:

One of my ideal cars. :slight_smile:

What kind of cars do you like?

Sport, SUV…


or how bout the super un-charged 1.2 Liter 100HP puegot?

perty snazzy :wink:

I would say go with one of the throw away Kia’s you looked at yesterday with the low miles.

With a budget of 3K your probably not going to find much better than that.

kia’s are evil and i wouldn’t drive one if you paid me. They are cheaply produced, uneconomic and very unreliable.

me no like :frowning:

<b>A Bat-mobile</b> :bad:

… you shouldn’t drive a KIA if you have a cell-phone NO-KIA!
…and if kias are evil make sure you don’t get K.I.A.

well, I could go up to 5K but that means I am borrowing cash! I like small cars, would rather a sporty one but I am probably not going to be able to afford it.

Dream car would be any of the firebird convertibles(red with a black top) I saw last night or a mercedes clk430 convertible (silver)!

You dont need to be borrowing more money re.

Arent you in the hole quite a bit as we speak? Thats not even counting the tens of thousands of student loans.

well, yes…I am! Good **** education! Could you do me a favor when the credit cad companies call, tell them I ran away and you dont know were to find me!!

Just kidding! I dont know what to do! I want a nice car for free! Anyone know were I can pick up one of them!

If I remember correctly, your not so debt free yourself and you are looking for a new car~~jk, you owe a lot less then me and make a lot more~I guess the math is in your favor not mine!

*Originally posted by Syko *
**<b>A Bat-mobile</b> :bad:

… you shouldn’t drive a KIA if you have a cell-phone NO-KIA!
…and if kias are evil make sure you don’t get K.I.A. **

runs in fear from the terrible puns :wink:

anyways, as for you money situation rere, not much is gonna help unless you are willing to wait ages and save or get yourself into (further?) debt. Perhaps you could sell some body parts? (not necisarly your own - heh heh)

If you don’t mind driving a standard in traffic, then I would go with the little sunfire. =) Also make sure to pick up a local paper and go through the classified ads. There are some great deals to be had from privite sellers. =)


Small (good for finding parking places in town), fast ('cause it’s fun and you won’t have to get pushed by the big cars), small engine ('cause of the gas costs). What more do you need?

The price is the only thing negative about this one… :wink:

i want the car in niann’s footer…

My mum drives a “handy” car… not too expensive I guess: