Printing issues with Firefox/IE

Hello, I have some issues with printing swf files in an HTML page.

I am sending to flash from the html file a variable “isPrint = true” this uses a script that makes the animation stop on the last frame.

if(isPrint == “true”) {

Ok with only this, when I am using this on Firefox it works fine, but when I tried with IE 7 it didnt stop on the good frame. So I added a text box with showing _root._currentframe .

In Firefox the result was 226
In opera the result was 226
in Safari the result was 226
in IE the result was 9 (What the hell?!?!)

On top of that, when I am using the print preview, the swf doesn’t appear on the page in Firefox but it does in IE.

If I can get to fix one of these issues I would be VERY VERY happy >.>