PrintJob timing out

When printing several pages, I will get the Script timeout (Runtime Error #1502), since the loop that does the addPage()'s cant keep within the 15 seconds that flash will allow a loop to work.

I have searched and searched the web for a solution, but have just found small hints to how it can be solved.

For instance Aral Balkan has some hints here** and **[URL=“”]here, where he suggests:

The way I designed the print solution, it doesn’t time out: The trick is to use intervals instead of a regular loop. This complicates your implementation, of course, but, since it spans multiple frames, it doesn’t ever timeout.


The trick is to prepare your pages before you start the PrintJob.

Now, im pretty sure, judging by the date of this blogpost :sure:, that they are discussing AS 2.0, but i would guess that the techniques discussed should apply to AS 3.0 aswell, since the PrintJob haven’t changed much. But I tried adding pages by using a Timer object (intervals), but the PrintJob wont recieve the addPage(). Same thing happends if i try span it over several keyframes in Flash CS3.

This is starting to get really frustrating now, testing a gazillion approaches for over a week with nada result :deranged:

Any hints and approaches are welcome