Private Rant At The Irony Of The World

Why is it, when I finally meet a bloke who is everything I want, who is intelligent, who’ll happily play me at pool and let me beat him, who has the same sense of humour and who is also (in my opinion) fantastically good looking, why is it that this man has to be my boss?!? :a:


We’re going out tonight, and he’s brought one of his cars in to give me a lift home. It’s this:


nice viper. :!:

so whats the deal now, you together?

Yeah, seems like. :blush:

We’re trying to keep it from the people at work (no point causing extra hassle), but if it gets out then it gets out. Meh. :slight_smile:

Either way, I’m just about as happy as I can be. He’s bloody amazing.

cool, good to hear your happy :wink:

We all went out at lunch to see the F1 cars in Oxford Street and got our picture taken. :slight_smile:

and guess who’s hiding as usual :stuck_out_tongue:

It was taken on a little mobile phone… :sure:

no excuses! :stuck_out_tongue:

Oh come on… You can’t see his face either (which is a shame because he is teh sexeh). :slight_smile: