Prob loading array in a movieclip

i creat a loop that generate MCs (MC1, MC2, MC3,…) in that movie i fill the textfield call curso whit _root.catalog[“object” + i][2]; where i=1. This MC1 on release open a movieclip call “readmore”, that have five text fields to fill : curso, titulo, data…

i try doing the same readmore.curta.text = _root.catalog[“object” + i][2];
readmore.titulo.text = _root.catalog[“object” + i][3]; = _root.catalog[“object” + i][4];

But i cant call catalog.object1 in readmore movie clip(1 because is MC1, i need to do the same do MC2, MC3…)

I creat the array and the loop in root timeline.

catalog = new LoadVars();
// Load the vars from the external Php file
catalog.onLoad = function(success) {
_root.object1 = catalog.getBytesTotal();
for (this.a=1; this.a<=5; this.a++) {
// Create an array (ObjectN) for each object in the catalog
catalog[“object”+this.a] = catalog[“noticias”+(this.a)].split("|");
selected = 1;
//test var that i will need late to run the vector
delete (this[“noticias”+this.a]);
///tryng repeat the movie clip that need to receved the var from catalog.object
for (var i = 1; i<=3; i++) {

//RFCCLIP barn help - thanks

rfcClip = mc.duplicateMovieClip(“mc”+i, i, {_x:0, _y:67*i});
rfcClip.curta.text = _root.catalog[“object”+i][2]; = _root.catalog[“object”+i][1];
rfcClip.titulo.text = _root.catalog[“object”+i][0];


i cant get comunication. I think to creat agaun the same array inside the movie readmore but i dont now if he is call by mc1 our the others MC (like MC2 MC3,etc…). how i can tell to the new “READMORE”.

if i can do name=[“mc”+i] can i do the oppose it and creat a var whit the value of i?.

By action script can i know the name of a movieclip ?

and sorry my bad english