Prob Loading Arrays from XML

I have come across an odd problem. I am making a large scale database (if you can call it that…) by loading information from an XML file into flash. I am using arrays to store the different data and a listbox to select which item that a person may wish to view. Unfortunately the first item that I load will load the name but will not load in data into the arrays… I was wondering what the problem may be?

Heres the code!

//Load xml
var Progs = new XML();
Progs.ignoreWhite = true;
//Declare the arrays to hold data
var details = [na]
var web = [na]
var name = [na]
var cat = [na]
var image = [na]

//if load works
Progs.onLoad = function(success) {
if (success) {
//repeat as many times as there are nodes in xml
for (i=0; i<Progs.childNodes.length; i++)

				//add item to list and add parts to arrays
                  list.addItem (this.childNodes*, i);
                  details.push (this.childNodes*.attributes.description)
				  web.push (this.childNodes*.attributes.web)
				  cat.push (this.childNodes*.attributes.category)
				  image.push (this.childNodes*.attributes.picture)
				  list.sortItemsBy ("label", asc)



//If the Scrollbar Changes
function Change ©{
//Set all the textfields
textbox = c.getSelectedItem().label;
scroller.text = details[c.getSelectedItem().data];
link = “<a href=’”+ web[c.getSelectedItem().data] +"’>" + web[c.getSelectedItem().data] + “</a>”;
categories = cat[c.getSelectedItem().data];

Thank you for any help that you can give me!