Probably an idiot question (and I searched!)

Ok, I think the answers may vary on this one because I believe there are multiple ways of accomplishing what I have in mind but unfortunately, I don’t really know how to create any of them! Please tell me how you would best make this happen…

Easy to explain… I’ve got an object tweening across from frames 1-100 within an MC. I have multiple buttons located outside this MC. I want one button to (on release) gotoAndPlay frames 1-15 of that MC. Another button to play 1-50 of that MC. Another to play 7-77. And another button to play 22-86, and another… you get the point. (I’m just making up numbers but this essentially is what I want it to do btw.) Anyhow, I can’t put “stop();” actions in the frames within the MC because another button may need to play through a frame with a “stop();” point. You follow me? One animation–different buttons controlling different start/stop points of that animation, and the start/stop points will overlap depending on which button is pressed.

BEST way to go about this??

Thoughts anyone? (I just wish “_root.MC.gotoAndPlay (3 through 81);” would work, you know?)