(Probably Simple) AS3 Mouse Clicks

Hi, I have this code written for a game im making, but the problem is that the function ‘jump’ is only run when the mouse is clicked over the movie clip “grape1”

I cant work out for the life of me why. Please help!

var MyArray = new Array

this.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, keepRunning);
this.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, jump);

function keepRunning(event: Event) {

function moveCurrent() {
    var speed = 12
    var DiffY = mouseY - grape1.y 
    var DiffX = mouseX - grape1.x
    var myRadians  = Math.atan2(DiffY,DiffX);
    var myDegrees = Math.round((myRadians * 180) / Math.PI)
    var yMove = DiffY / speed
    var xMove = DiffX / speed

    grape1.y += yMove;
    grape1.x += xMove
    grape1.rotation = myDegrees+90; 


function jump(event: Event) {