Problem Calling JavaScript

Hello everyone -

So far I’ve managed to use a script that will change CSS sheets for a page when a user clicks on a link. What I can’t do is make it so that a Jump Menu will call those same scripts. Any ideas on what I’m doing wrong? Linked is the file in question:



ehmmm…if I understand you right you wanna change the style of the drop down menu when the page changes, am I right?

Nope - I want the drop down menu to call the Javscript that changes the CSS sheet (just like those two links do above the menu). Right now in the code they are both calling the function, but the drop down menu doesn’t wat to work for some reason!

try this code

<select name="menu1" onChange="setActiveStyleSheet(this.value)"><br>

<option value="default" selected> Main Style</option><br>
<option value="other">Other Style</option>
<p> </select><br>


Necrite, you are the smartest person alive! Thanks!