Problem loading variable

I’ve followed this tutorial over 100 times now and its gettin to the point of fustration. My text file variable isn’t loading into the movie so i can’t get any further into the tutorial. Instead of scrolltext.txt i created a diff text file called news.txt. I simply replaced some of the fields that had scrolltext.txt with news.txt and it still doesn’t work. Can anyone help me by trying that tutorial and uploading a simple fla file or atleast comment on what i might be doing wrong. Thanks!

A code would be useful to solve your problem, and pls tell us what was the text file content!

basically in the text file it has the line scrolltext=mytextgoeshere. I just followed up on that tutorial and it wouldn’t load it.

Could u post the code you’ve done to load ur txt file!

AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH tone down your footer h88, that is hugantic!!!

no one seems to go on my advice, but ill decrease the size :stuck_out_tongue:

*Originally posted by lostinbeta *
**AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH tone down your footer h88, that is hugantic!!! **

how is it now?

Much better :slight_smile: Thanks.

oh thats what you meant i didn’t quite understand :P. I used this on the first frame
Load Variables ("./scrolltext.txt", “”)

oo!! i just switched from expert mode into normal mode and when i checked some of the frames it said there was syntax errors for the actions and it needed to be edited in expert mode. Guess it serves me right for copying and pasting. I’m using flash mx and i bet that tutorial was intended for flash 5. So any idea now how i might fix this?