Problem loading vars to flash from php

Hello all,

I have tried repeatedly to sendAndLoad variables from/to flash and php.

The problem actually comes when passing the variables from php to flash, here is the flash code:

var dataOut:LoadVars = new LoadVars();
var dataIn:LoadVars = new LoadVars();

dataOut.username =; //passing the value of textbox
 dataOut.pass = _level0.contrasena.ss10.s10; //passing the value of textbox

 dataOut.sendAndLoad("", dataIn, "POST");

_level0.estatus=“Por favor espere…”; //displaying info to the user

dataIn.onLoad = function() {
if (this.valid==“1”) {
_level0.estatus = ‘Bienvenido’ + this.Name;

import com.greensock.*;, 1, {_x:1000, _alpha:0});, 1, {_x:1000, _alpha:0});, 1, {_x:1000, _alpha:0});

else {

_level0.estatus = this.retro;


the php code is the following:


echo 'valid=1&Name= '.$Nombre;
else {
echo ‘valid=0&retro=Usuario o contraseña inválidos.’;


I have ommited some mysql code, but it would still work this way.

Which is most odd is that when I test the movie in my computer it works perfectly, but when I upload it to the server it doesn’t work anymore.

Please help!!!
