Problem Loading XML Gallery as an External SWF in Another Page! HELP!


Ive finished Kirupa’s excellent Photogallery Tutorial and Im very happy with the result.

I have exported the page as a SWF file and I now want to load it into my main page (essential in the design on my website). But when I do so the larger images do not show up! Strangely however, the title and the thumbnails are displayed - so the XML file is still being loaded. Additionally, the drop down menu I made also does not work.

This is the AS Im using to load the gallery external swf into the main page:

myLoader.contentPath = "galleryfinal.swf";

I have used “_root” alot in the external swf, but this only refers to the root timeline in the external swf, so it shouldnt interfere, right?? Is this a comman problem faced in Flash when loading external swfs?

Any ideas how to fix this problem?