Problem with "Adding Thumbnails" kirupa tutorial

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The problem manifests itself when I substitute .jpg thumbnail with .swf one.

[color=silver](I need this because i need transparent thumbs, so i needed to import transparent gifs via swfs - i used [/color][color=silver][/color][color=silver] to convert gifs to swfs if someone is interested - It is released under the GPL. )[/color]

XML is parsed ok, and the thumbnail is visible with other .jpg thumbnails. The problem is that it is not “alive”:

Clicking on it doesn’t change the main image, hovering doesn’t change its alpha:
[color=red]target_mc.onRelease = function() {
p = this.pictureValue-1;
target_mc.onRollOver = function() {
this._alpha = 50;
target_mc.onRollOut = function() {
this._alpha = 100;[/color]

Here is portion of XML:
<caption>Nathan Never 72</caption>

Anyone have ideas?

I thought that there is no difference between .jpgs and .swfs once imported.