Problem with amfphp


Im using amfphp to get some info from php, but im with problems.

I have two frames in timeline, in the first frame i have a movieclip that will load a gallery of projects from amfphp and its working ok. Then when I click in a button i have an gotoAndStop to frame 2 where i have another movieclip that should get the info from amfphp, but its not working. Looking at debugging, amfphp is getting the right data at the second frame, but the recordset is not constructed correctly.

Movieclip at frame 1

import mx.remoting.Service;
import mx.remoting.RecordSet;
import mx.remoting.PendingCall;
import mx.rpc.RelayResponder;
import mx.remoting.debug.NetDebug;

var gatewayUrl:String = "http://localhost/amfphp/gateway.php"


var myLogger:Log = new Log(Log.DEBUG, "logServ");
myLogger.onLog = function(message:String):Void {
    trace("myLogger>>> "+message);

var _service:Service = new Service(gatewayUrl, myLogger, 'projectos', null , null);

var pc:PendingCall = _service.getProjectos();
pc.responder = new RelayResponder(this, "construirGaleria", "onError");

function construirGaleria(re){
    var rs:RecordSet = RecordSet(re.result);
    // at this point i can access recordset info with rs.getItemAt(index).fieldname

Movieclip at frame 2

import mx.remoting.Service;
import mx.remoting.RecordSet;
import mx.remoting.PendingCall;
import mx.rpc.RelayResponder;
import mx.remoting.debug.NetDebug;

var gatewayUrl:String = "http://localhost/amfphp/gateway.php"


var myLogger:Log = new Log(Log.DEBUG, "logServ");
myLogger.onLog = function(message:String):Void {
    trace("myLogger>>> "+message);

var _service:Service = new Service(gatewayUrl, myLogger, 'projectos', null , null);
var pc:PendingCall = _service.getProjectos();
pc.responder = new RelayResponder(this, "galeriaImagens", "onError");

function galeriaImagens(re){    
    var rs:RecordSet = RecordSet(re.result);
    // at this point i cant access recordset it always give undefined, but debug show the correct info about the result of amfphp

And if i change the order of frames, the movieclip 2 works but moviclip 1 not.
