Problem with apache and php - cannot load extension

I need to load the php_dbase.dll extension and it is simply not loading…

I did the following:

  1. Added this extension to the php.ini file:
  2. Made sure this php.ini file is processed (it is in the folder on PHPRC path)
  3. Made sure that php_dbase.dll file is in directory pointed to by extension_dir
  4. checked that all other extensions specified in php.ini file are loaded using phpinfo() and only the dbase extension is unfortunately not loaded
  5. set “LogLevel debug” in apache configuration, then restarted the Apache
  6. checked in apache error log for any errors or any information about the dbase module, but there is nothing about it at all, only some other messages during startup

What else can I do to get this module loaded? I have Windows WAMP5 1.7.2 just installed.

Is there any method other than phpinfo() or just trying to use in php application to check if the extension has loaded, or to see why it is not loaded? I think there should be at least a message from apache, with LogLevel debug.There is only a message in access.log about call to undefined function dbase_open() when I try to use it but it is no suprise, if the dbase extension is not loaded.