Problem with array

hi all,
I made a quizz using this tuto[COLOR=black][COLOR=black][COLOR=black][COLOR=black][COLOR=black]tutorial[/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR]/flashMXQuiz/index.html
I try to make an [COLOR=black][COLOR=black][COLOR=black][COLOR=black][COLOR=black]array[/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR] at the end of the quizz but I have few problems :
I want, for each answer, to get 3 things : question number, the answer, and if it’s right or wrong.
i’ve done this in [COLOR=black][COLOR=black][COLOR=black]actionscript[/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR]:

currentQuestionNumber1 =currentQuestionNumber -1;
var m:Number;
var sel:Array = new Array;
sel=["question " +currentQuestionNumber1,"answered " +answer,"answer " +validanswer];
myarray = new Array();
for (j=0;j<m;j++){
myarray[j] = sel;

when I trace “sel” I get almost what I need.the problem is that I get for all questions the same answer.
I know I need to use “push” fonction but I do not know how to do!!
I need help!