I´m having trouble with what I thought was a minor problem. I´ve made a simple drag-n-drop with one target. I have six dragable MCs named q21 - q26 and the target is named q2_target. The script looks like this on MCs :
on (press) {
startDrag(this, true);
this._alpha = 85;
oldx = this._x;
oldy = this._y;
on (release) {
if (this._droptarget eq “/q2_target”) {
this._x = _root.q2_target._x;
this._y = _root.q2_target._y;
this.enabled = false;
[color=sienna]callData(); //I want to call this function[/color]
} else {
setProperty(this, _x, oldx);
setProperty(this, _y, oldy);
Everything works fine but calling that function. It doesn´t matter were I put the callData. I´ve tried making new functions that contains only a trace just to see it working… but no!
Can somebody hellp me please!