Problem with clearInterval? Loading multiple swf's with delay

I have tried to modify and use this code provided by Stringy in a previous thread: #6)

This works great when used like this:

var i = 1;
function loadIn(movie, x, y) {
	clip = _root.createEmptyMovieClip("holder"+i, i+20);
	clip._x = x;
	clip._y = y;
	clip._alpha = 0;
	_root["temp"+i] = _root.createEmptyMovieClip("tmp"+i, i+40);
	_root["temp"+i].obj = clip;
	_root["temp"+i].onEnterFrame = preloadf;
function preloadf() {
	var e = this.obj.getBytesLoaded();
	var f = this.obj.getBytesTotal();
	if (f == e && f>4) {
		this.onEnterFrame = fadein;
function fadein() {
	this.obj._alpha += 4;
	if (this.obj._alpha>=100) {
		this.onEnterFrame = fadeout;
function fadeout() {
	this.obj._alpha -= 2;
	if (this.obj._alpha<=0) {
		this.obj._alpha = 0;
		delete this.onEnterFrame;
loadin.Interval1 = setInterval(loadIn, 1050, "intro1.jpg", 555, 112);
loadin.Interval2 = setInterval(loadIn, 2050, "intro2.jpg", 191, 112);
loadin.Interval3 = setInterval(loadIn, 3050, "intro3.jpg", 0, 112);

I have tried removing what I don’t need, and using this same idea to load some swf’s with delays of 5 seconds between each. It seems as though the clearInterval is running too often, or possibly not working at all, but there could be many reasons and it is probably a simple one that this is not working. The first swf loads, and then the second starts loading the first one disappears and then eventually the 5th movie loads with no signs of the 3rd or 4th.

I have been playing around with the numbers (variable number, level number) trying to see what effect this has because it’s possibly just one of those is wrong but I have not figured that out. Maybe I am trying to use code that shouldn’t be used for this process but it seems like it works very well when it works cause it is easy to load another movie with just one line of code. Anyway, here is what I have:

var a = 5;
function loadIn2(movie, x, y) {
	clip = _root.createEmptyMovieClip("holder"+a, a+50);
	clip._x = x;
	clip._y = y;
loadin2.Interval4 = setInterval(loadIn2, 6000, "panel1.swf", 0, 112);
loadin2.Interval5 = setInterval(loadIn2, 11000, "panel2.swf", 205, 112);
loadin2.Interval6 = setInterval(loadIn2, 16000, "panel3.swf", 410, 112);
loadin2.Interval7 = setInterval(loadIn2, 21000, "panel4.swf", 615, 112);
loadin2.Interval8 = setInterval(loadIn2, 26000, "panel5.swf", 820, 112);