I have an weird issue with a fla file. I’ve worked on a big project for a long time ago. I use cs4 to compile the fla and Flash Develop for the classes. Yesterday I compiled many times and suddenly CS3 stopped executing actionscript. There is no compile errors, nothing. Just doesn’t execute the code. I typed a simple trace in the first frame and deleted the symbols on the stage - it didn’t trace nothing.
When trying to compile this file I noticed that the size of the compiled swf cut down in the end of compiling - in decreases from 700KB to 300KB. I made a size report - it is strange that action script bytes is only 6, but I have many (about 100) classes:
ActionScript Bytes: 6
Location: ActionScript 3.0 Classes
It doesn’t run any action script no matter whether it is in classes or directly in timeline frames.
The problem is not with CS3 because it compiles perfect other flash files.
Do you have ideas why it happens? I’ve never seen such problem before? I would appreciate any help you can give me…