Problem with event dispatch from embedded swf

I have a class that loads a swf

[AS]private function setupSwf(swfXML:XMLList):void
swfLoader = new Loader ();
swfLoader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener (Event.INIT, swfLoaded);

		swfLoader.load (new URLRequest (swfXML.toString()));					
	private function swfLoaded(event:Event):void
		swfLoader.content.addEventListener("SWF_FINISHED", swfFinishedHandler);
	// there is a dipatchEvent in the loaded Swf with triggers this event
	private function swfFinishedHandler(event:Event):void
	}[/AS]the embedded swf has:

[AS]dispatchEvent(new Event(“SWF_FINISHED”, true));[/AS]on the timeline. I want the swfFinishedHandler() in the main Class to be called when the timeline gets to the dispatchEvent, but its not firing…any ideas?