Problem with events of SWF

HI all!!

I have a problem. I load a SWF on my flash application on frame 133 with this code:

loadMovie("teste.swf", load);
load._x = 80.0;
load._y = 300.0;
load._xscale = 80;

The first time it loads, i can press the RIGHT arrow key and it will continue to play the SWF, but when i press the LEFT arrow key, it won’t play the SWF’s LEFT arrow key event,but it plays the LEFT arrow key of the main timeline, because i have a key listener in the main timeline to go foward or back pressing the arrow key. How can i solve this problem?? help me please. thanks in advance.

here is the code for the key listener

// this is the object that will listen, #1
 var keyListener:Object = new Object ();
// this is what the object will do
 keyListener.onKeyDown = function ():Void {
 trace("keyGode: " + Key.getCode());
 if (Key.getCode() == 37 ) { // left arrow
 if(Key.getCode () == 39 ){ // right arrow
  _root.gotoAndStop(3); }
// tell the object what to listen for