Problem with flash movie

I had my movie on my “main” page and at the end of my movie it’ll opens up my homepage (which is good). The problem is i still have the “main” window opened. any idea?

search for the window object for javascript, you can call a functino that will close your window at the end of your movie

just try and find a way that’ll do it automatically, occasionally IE 6 will ask me “This page is trying to close this internet window, do you want to close this window? <yes> <no>”

personally, I’d leave it open, that way you won’t kill their trail of sites, because by closing they can’t hit the back button…which would be a huge annoyance to me.

yea i agree, a close window should be an option and not on the index page

Thank you for your time…it’s been a great help


no prob, what was your final solution?

my homepage pops up at the end of my movie. because i had sound with my movie, i can still hear it playing in the background. so by replacing “_blank” with “_self” in the getURL actionscript, seems to work ok.

to stop a sound