Problem with "getYear" function, need some help

K, dont think that this should be to hard for some of u gurus to figure out… me… i’m just a novice flasher, so i can’t see what the prob is :cantlook:

[here is the as]

onClipEvent (load){
mon = [" .01"," .02"," .03"," .04"," .05"," .06"," .07"," .08"," .09"," .10"," .11"," .12"];
weekdays = [".Sunday",".Monday",".Tuesday",".Wednesday",".Thursday",".Friday",".Saturday"];
onClipEvent (enterFrame){
now = new Date()
nDay = weekdays[now.getDay()]
nMonth = mon[now.getMonth()]
nDate = now.getDate()
nYear = now.getYear()
display =nDay+""+nDate+""+nMonth+"."+nYear

and here is the problem… the “now.getYear()” gives “105”, but i want i to give only two digits i.e “05”.

Anybody know why?? :hugegrin: