Problem with If statement

How can I keep the slow easing motion when the button hits the MC but get rid of the “ease out” motion… Just want the button to stay on the MC really…


var buttons:Array = [button1, button2, button3, button4, button5, button6, button7, button8, button9];
var sections:Array = ["Interesting..", "Hmm...", "Ok, I see...", "That's not right is it?", "Ha! Ha!", "Nice", "Good choice", "Alright...", "See what you are trying to do...", "Great!"];
var speed:Number = .1;
showNames.text = "What will you choose?";
//  <-----------------
for (i=0; i<buttons.length; i++) {
    buttons*.startX = buttons*._x;
    buttons*.startY = buttons*._y;
    buttons*.onPress = dragButton;
    buttons*.onRelease = buttons*.onReleaseOutside=easeBack;
    buttons*.buttonName = sections*;
    buttons*.id = (i+1); // <- add this to store the number at the end of the dropZone mc's
    //  <-----------------
function dragButton():Void {
    delete this.onEnterFrame;
function easeBack():Void {
    var dropZone:MovieClip = _root["dropZone"]; // <- add this to know which movie clip
    if (!dropZone.hitTest(this)) {
        this.onEnterFrame = function() {
            this._x += (this.startX-this._x)*speed;
            this._y += (this.startY-this._y)*speed;
            if (this._x<this.startX+1 && this._x>this.startX-1 && this._y<this.startY+1 && this._y>this.startY-1) {
                this._x = this.startX;
                this._y = this.startY;
                delete this.onEnterFrame;
    } else {
        this.onEnterFrame = function() {
            this._x += (dropZone._x-this._x)*speed;
            this._y += (dropZone._y-this._y)*speed;
            if (this._x<dropZone._x+1 && this._x>dropZone._x-1 && this._y<dropZone._y+1 && this._y>dropZone._y-1) {
                this._x = dropZone._x;
                this._y = dropZone._y;
                delete this.onEnterFrame;
                showNames.text = this.buttonName;
                //  <-----------------