Problem with if statement

Hi everyone,

The code at the end of this post is code I have on frame 1 of the main timeline.

The movieclip called intro_mc is first called on to play with this code:

intro_mc.onEnterFrame = function () {;
delete intro_mc.onEnterFrame;

Then the movieclip called categoryIndex_mc is set to fade in gradually using the rest of the code.

The problem is that categoryIndex_mc fades in at the same time that intro_mc is playing. I need intro_mc to reach the end of its timeline before categoryIndex_mc will come in. I tried enclosing the function in an if statement but this just caused categoryIndex_mc not to appear at all.

Can someone tell me how to correct the code?

Appreciate any help offered.

this.categoryIndex_mc._alpha = 0;
this.garmentSlides_mc._alpha = 0;

intro_mc.onEnterFrame = function () {;
delete intro_mc.onEnterFrame;

//-----------Category list fades in---------\\

var oIntervalIDs:Object = new Object();

if (this.intro_mc._currentframe == 60) {
	function fadeMovieClip (mClip:MovieClip, nRate:Number):Void {
		if(mClip._alpha >= 0 && mClip._alpha < 100) {
			 var nAlpha:Number = mClip._alpha;
			mClip._alpha = nAlpha + nRate;
	else {
oIntervalIDs[categoryIndex_mc._name] = setInterval(fadeMovieClip, 100, categoryIndex_mc, 5);

categoryIndex_mc.onEnterFrame = function () {
if(categoryIndex_mc._alpha > 95) {
	delete categoryIndex_mc.onEnterFrame;