hi! I got to make changes to a photo gallery but I don’t know how it has been done. There is a column of buttons, all the same and there is this following code. Could anybody please tell me where I could find a tutorial which explains this code???
var ruta = “imag/galeria”;
var total_fotos = 21;
var referencia = this;
var loop:MovieClip = referencia.createEmptyMovieClip(“loop”, referencia.getNextHighestDepth());
function cargar(imagen) {
loop.onEnterFrame = function() {
barra._visible = 1;
tot = contenedor.getBytesTotal();
car = contenedor.getBytesLoaded();
por = Math.round((car*100/tot));
textoPrecarga.text = “Cargando… “+por+”%”;
barra._xscale = por;
if (tot == car && car>0) {
barra._visible = 0;
textoPrecarga.text = “”;
delete referencia.onEnterFrame;
for (i=1;i<total_fotos+1;i++) {
referencia[“b”+i].foto = ruta+"/"+i+".jpg";
referencia[“b”+i].onRelease = function(){
clipsobre._y = this._y;