Problem with loading a movie

Ok, let me try to explain this one.

I have a swf that will be in the header of my site. It will be a small file, simple animation… so that it is friendly to most everyone. I have a button that says “View Presentation” which will load another swf file into the original one, and play it. That works out find and everything goes well. My problem is, after I click the button, watch the movie, I can’t click the button again. It doesn’t load the movie up again. Anyone have any idea what is going on?

What actions do you have on that button ? And also, are you sure the movieclip you load in doesn’t overlap the button ?


For the first movie, which the presentation will load into, I have the following for the “Play Presentation” button.

[AS]on(release) {

The movie does not load on top of the button, since after I click it, watch the movie once, and go to click it again… I can still click it. Just nothing happens.

This is in the last frame of the presentation, to put it back to normal.


Hard to tell what’s wrong without seeing your files …

Could someone possibly suggest the best way to do it from scratch? Might be easier.