Problem with loadmovie and full flash browser

I am trying to cut down on users load time by loading images via the loadmovie method.
The problem I am having is that when I attempt to apply my script to the movie clip that holds my image, it distorts the image by turning it sideways and shrinking it. I am applying the same code to another movieclip which has no dynamic script and it works fine, filling my browser with the image contained in the mc. Can anyone take a look at my code and explain to me why this is happening. I am stumped.

////Full browser code///
tage.scaleMode = “noScale”; Stage.align = “TL”;

///loads photo into mc//////
loadMovie(“photo.jpg”, _root.imagesMC);

////listener to detect screen resize/////////
var resizeImage:Object = new Object();
resizeImage.onResize = function() {

////function to determine scaling on resize////////////
function imageScale() {
var xposition = Stage.width/2; var yposition = Stage.height/2;
imagesMC._x = xposition; imagesMC._y = yposition;
imagesMC._width = Stage.width; imagesMC._height = Stage.height;

/////////////proportional scaling/////////////////////
imagesMC._xscale > imagesMC._yscale ?
imagesMC._yscale = imagesMC._xscale :
imagesMC._xscale = imagesMC._yscale;