Hi I’m new to this forum but I always come here to find help from others but for this one I’m truely stuck so I have to post…
I have a flash website which I have built but I cant for the life of me understand why when I load external swf’s in the main movie the content wont play the first time round. But if you load another page/movie then back again to the original it will work fine.
This happens to every page!?!?!!?!?!!?
(home + Contact have no content)
You can check out the site bellow:
I dont understand why this is happening why does it work the second time round but not when first loaded!?!?!?!!?
The wierd thing is it works AOK when I preview the movie but as soon as I put it into HTML thats when the loading problems seem to accur.
Well I’m sure it will be something stupid as it always is.