Problem with masked buttons

Alrighty, so here’s my situation…

I have a set of buttons. They are all side by side. They also change shape and ._x depending on other various aspects. These buttons (which are movie clips) have rollOver functions assigned to them.

Then I also have a mask nested inside those buttons. That mask, masks out some content that is stored on a separate layer. The content gets its own movie clip consisting of an image, and 3 movie clip buttons. These buttons also have rollOver functions assigned to them.

My problem is that, when the content is displayed, I the movie-clip buttons on the content movie clip don’t react to rollOvers.

I have tried setting the initial buttons that contain the masks and have rollOver states to .enabled=false; but that doesn’t work.

The only way I can get the content buttons to work is if I change the main buttons to ._visible=false; but I can’t do this, because the main buttons have a reflection movie clip that needs to stay on top of the content…

So basically I would have thought that by setting my_btn_mc.enable=false; that the content buttons would then work, but that is not happening…

Anyone have any tips/thoughts/suggestions?
